BioE 111 - Functional Biomaterials Development and Characterization (4 Units)

Course Overview


This course is intended for upper level engineering undergraduate students interested in the development of novel functional proteins and peptide motifs and characterization of their physical and biological properties using various instrumentation tools in quantitative manners. The emphasis of the class is how to develop novel proteins and peptide motifs, and to characterize their physical and biological functions using various analytical tools in quantitative manners.


  • Seung-Wuk Lee

  • Prerequisites

  • Chem1A
  • BioE11 or Bio1A
  • BioE103

  • Courses recommended before taking this class

  • Bio1A
  • Chem3A

  • What's next?

    BioE 111 helps out with fundamental knowledge of biomaterials classes like BioE 150 and aids the understanding of BioE 163 which is a imaging/spectroscopy class.

  • BioE 150
  • BioE 163

  • Choosing the course

    What concentration is this course relevant to?

    • Biomaterials
    • Biomechanics
    • Cell and Tissue Engineering
    • Synthetic Biology
    • Pre-med

    Topics covered

    • Amino acid fundamentals
    • Protein sequencing
    • Mass spectroscopy
    • Chromatography
    • DNA fundamentals
    • DNA sequencing (including next gen)
    • Genetic engineering
    • Phage display
    • Other display techniques (bacterial, yeast, mRNA, yeast-2-hybrid, bead-based peptide screening)
    • Spectroscopy
    • Biothermodynamics
    • Protein structure
    • Binding assays and kinetics
    • SPR
    • Dynamic light scattering

    When should I take the course?

  • Sophomore, Junior or Seniors can take this course.
  • Rating from student (How strongly would you recommend taking this course?)

  • 7/10

  • Workload and Tips

    What is the workload and exam diffculty?

    The workoad varies and takes around ~3 hours outside class each week. There is no lab component and the exams are thorough/in-depth but fair.

    What practical skills (for research/internship) can you gain from the class?

  • Everything from this class is pretty useful for an internship.

  • Tips from students who have taken the class

  • Don't wait until the last minute to do the homework

  • Quick links

    Tau Beta Pi BioE 111 Exams